My email is [email protected]. Otherwise, you can look for my website. There is a contact form. I personally read all emails. That’s the best way to contact me. You can Google my name, Luca Dellanna, and then the contact form would pop up.
I highly recommend your book. It is one of my favorite books that I’ve read. Thank you so much for the opportunity to discuss this. There are so many great pearls in here, much more than what we’ve talked about on this. There are so many different ways we can go. Thank you for taking the time to be on the show.
Thank you so much for inviting me and for the discussion and other suggestions.
I wish you all the best. Take care.
Thank you.
Important Links
- Luca Dellanna
- The Control Heuristic
- Skin in the Game
- The 5 Second Rule
- [email protected]
- Contact Form – Luca Dellanna
About Luca Dellanna
Antifragile Organizations consultant, author of 7 books. Check my course on Antifragile Organizations!
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